Let’s Watch Cop Rock – Episode 0001

Welcome to Episode 01 of “Let’s Watch Cop Rock,” an 11-episode podcast discussing that classic police procedural rock musical soap opera crime drama Cop Rock, 11 episodes of which aired on ABC during the fall of 1990.

Over the course of this podcast as a whole, we discuss the events of the show, our reactions to the music, and the ways this program worked, or didn’t work, and why some of it still seems very relevant today. Sometimes we get political. Sometimes we crack up uncontrollably. Sometimes we tell unbelievable but entirely true stories of our own lives’ intersections with crime or law enforcement or both. Every episode we play Good Cop, Bad Cop, or Innocent Bystander? And sometimes we aren’t sure what to say beyond what. the. fuck?

Cop Rock was brave and innovative in any number of ways. It took risks. It gambled big. It didn’t always hit the jackpot – and sometimes it rolled snake eyes. This podcast is our way of tipping our hat to anyone brave enough to make art that doesn’t always work, because sometimes, sometimes, it works better than we could have possibly imagined.

In this first episode, we’re just getting started. Bear with us while we find our sea legs and get going. This episode is pretty long. Most of them clock in a little shorter. Hang in there. Watch the first episode of Cop Rock before listening. Trust me, it’ll make a lot more sense that way. You can get Cop Rock on Amazon or direct from Shout Factory. There are links for each in the show notes. I want to make it clear we are in no way associated with the production of the television program Cop Rock, nor do any of us have any association with Shout Factory’s production and distribution of the DVD version. We gain nothing financially from your purchase of Cop Rock. What we gather instead is the joy of spreading to others something we love.


We don’t love everything about it, and I think we make that abundantly clear.

But come along with us. Watch the show, listen in, and let us know what you think. Is this the best of bravery, taking risks and giving its all? Or was it… something less than that? You can find Officer Orifice on Twitter as @OfficerOrifice. I’m there too as @CopRocker.

Our theme music is “The Crime” by reiswerk, with full attribution in the show notes. Stick around at the end for a peek at what happened the very first time we tried to say our names. And now… Let’s Watch Cop Rock!

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Cop-Rock-Complete-Ronny-Cox/dp/B01BHCPQXA

Shout Factory: https://www.shoutfactory.com/product/cop-rock-the-complete-series

The Crime by reiswerk (c) copyright 2017 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial  (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/Reiswerk/55464 Ft: Anchor


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